montage of historical images incl Florence Nightingale and spitfire

Medical Mystery Tour

Date: 16/09/2022
Time: 10:30 am - 4:30 pm
Location: Salisbury Cathedral (outside next to Elizabeth Frink Walking Madonna Sculpture), The Close, Salisbury, England, SP1 2EJ

For the first time ArtCare are offering free guided city tours of Salisbury with an alternative focus on a medicine, care and public health.

As a special event for Heritage Open Days we are running guided tours around Salisbury to tell the stories held in our historical collections. You’ll visit famous landmarks and see them in new perspective, we’ll walk you through over 800 years of fascinating tales and places. Everything from Florence Nightingale, ghosts, Turkish baths, epidemics and medicine from war.

Each tour will last about 1.5 hours and on flat pavements (approx. 1.8 miles)

Times: 10.30-12.00pm, 12.45-2.15pm, 3.00-4.30pm

Free event, booking via Eventbrite

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