Heale House
Heale House was bought by the Honourable Louis Greville in 1894, who was later appointed Chairman of the Salisbury General Infirmary on 6th March 1915. The hospital’s annual reports show the financial donations he made to the hospital and also reports that Mr G G F Greville (son of Louis Greville) died during 1918.
Heale House was opened as an annexe to Salisbury General Infirmary during World War Two. The first 14 patients were transferred on Monday 17th November 1941, two years after the outbreak of war. Throughout 1941 there was an average of 25-30 inpatients. By late 1943 the average had risen to 30-40 inpatients, but by December 1945 it was down to just 13 patients.
Today Heale House is open to the public as a stately home and gardens.
Further reading
Below are several extracts referencing Heale House taken from the Salisbury Infirmary – Resident Medical Officers Report Book between May 1941 and May 1942 and during the years 1942-1948.
Report for week ending Friday, November 14th 1941
Remarks: Chafyn Grove ward has been in quarantine since Monday Nov 10th, when one of the children developed Whooping Cough. The patient was transferred to the American hospital. Heale House is now almost ready to receive the first batch of patients, and we hope to transfer some of the ambulant patients there on Monday. Mr Brooks, the clinical assistant who is to take Mr Nash’s place, arrived today. Mr Nash leaves tomorrow. Miss Williams has agreed to stay for a further week, so the state of the house still remains, 2 qualified members and 2 students. A whole time resident for Heale House is not yet available, and it has been suggested that one of us should do a round there each day.
J.S. Miller
Report for week ending Friday, November 21st 1941
Remarks: 14 patients have been transferred to Heale House this week.
J.S. Miller
Report for week ending Friday, Dec 19th 1941
Remarks: Heale House will be closed on Tuesday Dec. 23rd for the period of almost one week.
J.S. Miller
Report for week ending Friday, Jan 9th 1942
Remarks: It has only been possible to send four patients to Heale House this week as there was a breakdown in the water system. One sudden death occurred there on 8.1.42.
J.S. Miller
Report for week ending Friday, March 20th 1942
Remarks: There are now 25 patients at Heale House. No more beds are available at present on account of the uncovered stairs.
W.O. Spencer
Report for week ending Friday, November 20th 1942
Remarks: Present number of patients at Heale House 30
I regret that I omitted to report last week that Heale House was in quarantine on account of a nurse having contracted scarlet fever; no further cases developed, making it possible to return to normal on Monday 16th November.
W Spence
Report for week ending Friday, December 4th 1942
Remarks: Present number of patients at Heale House 19
Owing to catering difficulties during the present installing of the new cooker at Heale House, no patients have been sent there this week, and if will probably be impossible to send any until the end of next week. Already the effect on the waiting list is noticeable.
W Spence
Report for week ending Friday, March 19th 1943
Remarks: On instruction from the Ministry of Health, we have commenced the total evacuation of Heale House prior to work commencing for the necessary improvement to the water supply. This evacuation should be complete by the middle of next week. Unfortunately we are deprived of our annexe at this very busy time, and own waiting list will no doubt rise; the need for an early re-opening cannot be too strongly stressed.
W Spence
Report for week ending Friday, July 16th 1943
Remarks: Heale House was re-opened on Tuesday when 4 patients were sent out; a further 7 patients went out on Friday.
W Spence
Report for week ending Friday, August 4th 1944
Remarks: Owing to an unfortunate accident with a bottle of ether, the American Ambulance was badly damaged by fire on Tuesday last – whilst on a journey from the Infirmary to Heale House. There were no patients being transported, the ambulance was moving stores, and bringing discharged patients back to Salisbury. Due to the good services of Mr Harris, we still have an ambulance available for the usual transfer of patients.
W Spence
Report for week ending Friday, 9th November 1945
Remarks: Dr Elliott wishes to apply for leave next weekend, Nov. 18th. He also reports that the lighting at Heale House is such that the patients are unable to see well enough to knit and read. In view of the long evenings ahead this may well repay investigation.
We understand that provision is being made for a Mess wireless set. We hope it will come soon, for there are times when we miss ours very much.
J W Laws
Report for week ending Friday, 23rd November 1945
Remarks: The hospital Red Cross (“open”) ambulance is in use again and has made two journeys to Heale House this week.
J W Laws