Medicine from war
Lesson objective
Learn about how World War 2 shaped medicine and treatments today with a focus on Salisbury District Hospital.
Look at the online photographs and documents from the period and think about changes in medicine.
- Spitfire to dialysis
- How do you light an operating theatre?
- Pioneering theatres
- Plastic surgery and burns
- An unusual first
Lesson starter
- How medicine was changed by World War – age appropriate?
- What machines and inventions do pupils know about in hospitals?
- Spitfire engine to dialysis machine article / film
Main lesson
Look at some newspaper stories and the way they present information. Then in groups 3-4 start writing in the style of a newspaper reporter about the invention by Dr Darmady. Think about including different types of writing e.g. explaining information, interview, speech, story telling.
Follow-up activities
- Create a comic book or illustrated diagram of a useful invention made from recycled things
- Create a model of an invention made from recycled things
What inventions do the class know about? Are there things in the home that they have now that parents/ grandparents didn’t have? What difference do you think these make to everyday life?