KS4 Physics electromagnetic waves
Our collection has many images relating to the development of X-rays and MRI scans. We have collated information, related posts and creative activities together here to inspire and engage students as they begin to explore this exciting KS4 physics topic.
Exploring our online history collection for material relating to x-rays and MRI scans including photographs and documents, will help illustrate how these technologies are used to diagnose illness. Try our creative activities and experiments in lessons.
- All about X-rays – photographs and items from our collection showing the development of this technology
- X-rays: the inside view – a look at some glass plates from our collection and how X-rays work
- X-ray shoe fitting – it was a thing!
- X-ray painting with light – making your own X-ray style image
- X-ray cyanotype print – using sunlight to create an image
- X-ray calligraphy activity – using x-ray terminology to inspire art
- Marvellous MRIs – showing the development of this technology through images from our collection
- Magnet experiments activity – finding out how magnets work
- MRI magnetic motor sculpture activity – using magnets creatively
- MRI cardboard modelling activity – exploring how MRI scans are made up of layers